We have setup two easy ways to help you order your Team Blake gear. You can order online via email, or mail in a check. Instructions for both methods are below. *In order to ensure bulk pricing, orders for this first run will be collected and placed on 11/23. Please make sure all orders are in by that time. See below for further information.
Online Ordering
To order Team Blake gear online, please click the 'order form download' button located on the right of this page. This will open a PDF order form. Please type in your information, save to your computer, and then email your saved file to jointeamblakely@gmail.com. Please put "T-Shirt Order + (Name)" in the subject line of the email. You will receive an email within 48 hours of your purchase confirming your order and estimated delivery dates.
Order by Mail
To order by mail, please click the 'order form download’ button located on the top right of this page. This will open a PDF order form. Fill out all fields, print the completed order form and mail to the address below. Please make sure that a check is included or credit card number is completed.
Go Inc,
c/o Casey Drayton
5055 St. Augustine St
Suite 8
Jacksonville, FL 32207
If you have any questions or need help, please email us at jointeamblakely@gmail.com Please note that initial orders will be placed on 11/23 and then every two weeks following. This will help ensure the best "bulk order" pricing.
Team Blake Gear is Here!
**If you are having trouble with the exp. date field, please type in the expiration date in the Acct.# field and leave the Exp. Date field empty.